Social Media Opinion Piece

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Schraff, G. (2014). How to Make Social Media a Useful Commercial Real Estate Marketing Tool. In The Massimo Group. Retrieved November 17, 2015, from

My Point of View on Social Networking Sites. (n.d.). In Teen Ink. Retrieved November 19, 2015, from

Wihbey, J. (2015, July 1). Social Media Sharing, News and Opinion Leadership: Recent Research. In Journalist’s Resource. Retrieved November 19, 2015, from

Potarazu, S. (2015, October). Is Social Media Ruining Our Kids. In CNN. Retrieved November 19, 2015, from

From Facebook and Twitter to YouTube and Pinterest, we all use social media in one way or another. Personally I have accounts with Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, LinkedIn, and YouTube. I use my Facebook and LinkedIn accounts to get in touch with people that are professionals in my field of study and I use my other social media accounts just for entertainment. For example, my Pinterest board is entirely made up of recipes and DIY ideas for decorating my bedroom. Based on what I have seen my friends and followers post on their profiles, in my opinion most people use these same cites for close to the same reasons. Facebook and LinkedIn seem to be the go to cites for getting in touch with people; while Instagram, Pinterest, and Twitter appear to be cites that people use for more social reasons.

The first source that I have cited above is for where I found my picture. The second source is an article I found on someone else’s opinion of social media. The unknown author of this article says, “In my opinion, social networking sites are beneficial if used in certain ways, but can also be detrimental if used in the wrong way.” I completely agree with this statement. Since social media has gotten bigger we the people using it have more responsibility with the way they use it. The third source that I have cited above is an article on the website titled Journalist’s Resource. This article is above people being able to access all of the news through social media instead of having to pay for it (newspaper, magazines, etc.). According to this article there is still a need for printed media pages, but this need is diminishing by the day. The fourth and final source that I cited right below my picture is an article that is a little different then the previous sources I found. This article is a negative side of social media.I found this article very interesting to read because it was another opinion on social media that I hadn’t heard before.

The two links that I have below are to my classmates posts that have their own opinion on social media. Check them out for even more information!

I really enjoyed looking up different opinions on social media. It’s a subject that takes over most of our lives and without it who knows where we would be. Leave a comment below and let me know what your opinion is on social media. 🙂

10 thoughts on “Social Media Opinion Piece

  1. Olivia,
    I agree that Facebook and LinkedIn are more professional networks, especially LinkedIn, and the others you listed are for more personal reasons. That’s a good idea to decorate your room online before actually getting all the stuff. I haven’t used Pinterest in years, but maybe I’ll start back up again to decorate my house!


  2. I agree with your division between certain types of social media. For myself, I choose to keep my Facebook more clean for both family and people I could possibly network with. My other forms of social media really depend on the entertainment I want. Great job!


  3. Social media is definitely a huge part of our society! I agree with you 100% when you said who knows where we will be without it, it’s a scary thing to think about. Good job on this post (:


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